Configuration Options
- The search button is not being located in the right place
- How can I configure the type of search button?
- How can I show/hide the products found in a search?
- How can I configure advanced search button settings?
- How can I configure certain products to be displayed in the main product section?
- How can I highlight the product that has the best match?
- How can I configure the text displayed in the popup form?
- How can I change the title of the main product section?
- Configure the number of displayed related products
- How can I show a link to see all search results?
- How can I hide the price of the main product?
- How can I show/hide collections?
- How can I change the title of the collections section?
- How can I hide the price of the related products?
- How can I configure the size of search button?
- How can I change the text displayed when no collections are found?
- How can I configure the colour of search button?
- Configure the number of displayed collections
- How can I configure the text of search button?
- How can I change the text displayed when no related products are found?